
Dans le cadre du festival Blues Sur Seine, le musicien et guitariste Big Ron Hunter est venu partager sa passion du blues le 7 novembre dernier dans notre collège. Les classes de 3ème B et de 3ème C ont assisté à son concert accompagnés de leurs professeurs. Suite à cet échange privilégié, certains d’entre eux ont tenu à lui rendre un hommage en anglais.
Last Monday, on November the 7th, Big Ron Hunter came to our secondary school in La Vaucouleurs to perform a blues concert. He sang his music, and told us about his life. We asked questions to him, and at the end, we took some pictures with him.
Big Ron Hunter is the world’s happiest blues player. His songs are very good and merry. He told us about his life story : Big Ron Hunter lived in a hut with chickens. He used to play the guitar with his cousins on a porch, outside the house, which he called ’Kitchen Blues’.
His songs deal with love, happiness, his family but not about sadness. He has already traveled all around the world. When he gets up in the morning, he wants to give happiness, share his love of blues and make people smile.
Merci à Max Noémie, Célia, Manon, Nour, Emeline, Kathleen, Louise, Sarah, Théo et Alexandre de la 3ème C
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